Published on: 26 April 2024

In March, 6,413 children are born and 10,524 people lose their lives

According to preliminary data, 6,413 children were born and 10,524 people died in March 2024. The number of births lessened by 10%, that of deaths by 13% and the marriages by 1.9% compared to March 2023.

In March 2024:

A total of 6,413 children were born, 10% or 727 fewer than in March 2023.

10,524 people lost their lives, 13% or 1,542 fewer than a year earlier.

The natural decrease was 4,111, as opposed to 4,926 in March 2023.

3,030 couples got married, which was 1.9% or 58 less than in March 2023.

In January–March 2024:

19,289 children were born, 1,978 or 9.3% less than in January–March 2023. As 2024 is a leap year, thus vital events occur in a one day longer period this year. The number of births adjusted for the leap day was 10% lower than in the same period last year. Within this, the number of live births was 12% less in January, 8.7% less in February and 10% less in March than in the same months of 2023.

The total fertility rate was estimated at 1.38 per female, which was 1.51 a year earlier.

There were 33,565 deaths, 3.9% less or 1,347 fewer than one year earlier. Considering the leap-day effect, the decrease in the number of deaths was 4.9%. Compared to the same periods of the previous year, 1.7% more people died in January, 3.6% less in February and 13% less in March.

The number of births decreased to a greater extent than that of deaths, resulting in a natural decrease of 14,276 people, which was 4.6% higher than the value of 13,645 for January–March 2023. According to leap-day-adjusted data, the natural decrease rose by 3.4% compared to the same period of the previous year.

7,069 couples got married, 13% or 814 more than a year earlier. The leap-day adjusted increase in the number of marriages was 12%. 36% more marriages were registered in January, 18% more in February, while 1.9% less in March than in the corresponding months of 2023.

There were 8.1 live births and 14.1 deaths per thousand population. The rate of live births was 0.9 per mille points and that of deaths 0.7 per mille points lower than in January–March 2023, as a result of which the rate of natural decrease increased by 0.2 per mille points to 6.0 per mille. The number of infant deaths was 4.1 per thousand live births, which was 1.6 per mille points more compared to the same period of the previous year. The marriage rate was 3.0 per mille, 0.3 per mille points higher than a year earlier.

Main data on vital events, January–March 2024

Vital events Number Change compared to the same period of the previous year, % Per thousand populationa) Change compared to the same period of the previous year, %
Live births19 289–9.38.1–9.9
Deaths33 565–3.914.1–4.5
Infant deaths8048.14.1b)63.3
Natural increase/decrease–14 2764.6–6.03.9
Marriages7 06913.03.012.3

a) The rates refer to the whole of the year in order to ensure comparability.
b) Per thousand live births.

The number of births fell in all regions except the Northern Great Plain compared to the same period of the previous year. The largest decrease occurred in Budapest.

The number of deaths slightly increased in the Northern Great Plain and Western Transdanubia, while it decreased in all other regions compared to the same period of the previous year. The highest decline occurred in Pest Region.

The natural decrease lessened in Central Transdanubia and Pest Region, while it rose in all other regions, most significantly in Budapest and in Western Transdanubia.

The number of marriages was up in all regions except the capital. The largest increase was in Northern Hungary and in the Northern Great Plain.

Main data on vital events by region, January–March 2024

Region Live births Deaths Natural increase/decrease Marriages
number change, %a) number change, %a) number change, %a) number change, %a)
Budapest2 833–18.05 336–2.4–2 50324.51 005–4.0
Pest2 797–11.43 677–11.8–880–13.288312.2
Central Transdanubia2 108–0.33 595–9.3–1 487–19.784817.3
Western Transdanubia1 717–14.43 4740.8–1 75722.06227.6
Southern Transdanubia1 557–8.53 387–0.6–1 8307.466924.1
Northern Hungary2 629–1.64 328–0.8–1 6990.694128.0
Northern Great Plain3 3880.65 0861.0–1 6981.81 22226.5
Southern Great Plain2 260–12.34 682–4.2–2 4224.787912.0
Total19 289–9.333 565–3.9–14 2764.67 06913.0

a) Compared to the same period of the previous year

Between April 2023 and March 2024:

83,222 children were born, 7.6% or 6,801 fewer, and if the leap day effect is taken into account, 7.8% less than in the previous twelve months.

There were 126,853 deaths, 4.7% or 6,296 fewer, and if the leap day effect is considered, 5.0% less than in the previous twelve months.

50,964 couples got married, 15% or 8,972 fewer than in the previous twelve months, which is the same when the leap day effect is taken into consideration.